Hi, I'm Shannon!

Welcome to my home in the online space, where I get to share help women really create a life they love through the the creation of an online business. A few things you should know about me:

I live inĀ Noosa with my husband andĀ 2 incredible humans who call me Mama. I love love LOVEĀ designing my home, getting my hands dirty in the garden and CREATING something from nothing.

I run a multiple 6 figure business that helps parents teach their kids a foreign language... All in just 4 hours a week.

I'm a business strategist and spend a lot of my time helping other business owners reclaim their time and scale their own multiple 6 figure businesses.Ā IĀ speak on stages, and I have a whole lotta people who keep up with me on Facebook and Instagram where I share all things business + antihustle - more on that later.

Did I mention, Iā€™m a Mama? SpendingĀ 80 hours trying to do all the things is notĀ  possible in my world.Ā Can I get an ā€˜Amenā€™ from the mamas out there?

In 2014, I launched my kids language company called “The Cultured Kid” I was spending A TON of time creating lessons and running playgroups and juggling all the things so  I decided to employ lots of other talented women to run the playgroups while I stayed home and marketed the business.

I loved what we were doing, but I was burning the candle at both ends. I had a time problem…

There had to be another way. So, I joined my first business group online and tried to learn from other entrepreneurs who were working in the online space.

Long story short(ish), I began creating online resources to help parents introduce a language from home to their kids - rather than me having a team that would go out and run lessons each week and I discovered that there was a HUGE need for it.

Those online language programs grew fast - Without requiring extra time which is why I knew I was onto something.

Don’t get me wrong, it wasn’t like I snapped my fingers and the rest is history. I just switched my focus. I focused on getting more followers online and building the heck out of my email list. And those efforts paid off.

As people started to perk up and notice my success, the questions started rolling in about how I built my business.

  • How did I get so many followers?

  • How did I pivot my local business to the online space?

The more time I spent with these entrepreneurs the more I caught the coaching bug.

That’s when I knew this is what I was passionate about.

Teaching business owners how to add revenue streams that were disconnected from their time... That would empower them to love their families better, be more present in their calling and purpose and create a life that would impact their whole community for the better!

There are all kinds of people who are running themselves ragged in their business (and aren't even profitable) and are struggling to keep up with the demands of business.

We’re talking people who have amazing talent and all the skills in the world! All that's missing is a framework to scale with ease. They just need a framework that WORKS and cheerleaders around them to help make it happen. They need someone who can speak and teach from experience.

That’s where I come in.



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