Why I Decided to Start a Business
While that idea sounds very lovely and straightforward, the reality was anything but. I’d never started a business before, and had no real idea what I was doing. If I were to describe to you what those early days felt like, it was a little like being blindfolded, stumbling around in the dark, trying to work out how to move forward without falling flat on my face. Needless to say, google and I became great friends as I tried to find my way :)
All that stumbling eventually produced ‘The Cultured Kid’ - an online education company that teaches foreign languages to preschool-aged kids.
If I’m honest, each step up has been incredibly scary. I battled feelings of complete inadequacy, often facing doubts like - ‘who do I think I am? I don’t know the first thing about this?’ In those early days, all i knew to do was pray. A lot!
I‘m convinced that Jesus smiles when he leads us down paths like the one I’m walking … one that requires complete dependance on Him rather than confidence in our own ability.
I learned quickly to commit my ‘to-do-list’ to the Holy Spirit and ask Him where I should start first. Each time I did this, I was a reminded yet again that heaven-breathed strategies will trump business school any day. I discovered that a refusal to quit would change my perspective, enabling me to see failure as my friend. As I pressed in each day, I would shake free of fear’s grip a little more.
While I was still very much outside my comfort zone, I acknowledged that steep learning curves often come with the territory, and held onto an unwavering conviction that I was exactly where I was meant to be.
Now five years in, I can say the adventure has been truly exhilarating. There have been many successes and friendships forged along the way. And to be honest, there’s been low days where it felt like the smart choice was to give up before I embarrassed myself. Those days are part of the growth journey, and I learn as much from them as I can.
I can honestly say that I LOVE what I get to build; it’s been an unfolding gift to our little family.
Along this road, I’ve discovered that while Jesus wants to bless what I do in business, He is less concerned with the outcomes and more interested in how I respond to Him. He is gently reminding me again and again of His promise to hold me and never leave me. That promise is not only enough, but the only thing that matters.